Tuesday 22 January 2013

Who, When, What, Why & How...

Me, Emily.  Theatre Artist, animal lover, dog owner, writer, daughter... Food LOVER! *Danger bells*
Current Age: 26
Age at beginning of all this.....: 22

Surgery Date: Monday, January 14th, 2013

Lefort I Surgery (A horizontal fracture of the upper jaw, above the teeth and below the nose - a grisly business) following 4 years of braces.

Because I WANNA BE PRETTY!!! No seriously, the procedure will correct TMJ and help to prevent degenerative jaw disease including arthritis and an incorrect bite.

Oh, I don't know.  I'm just going to have some drugs and let them work.  I looked up the procedure online, but I kind of blocked it out.  All I know is they break my upper jaw, move it forward, hold it with permanent (titanium) plates and screws and afterwards I won't be able to eat solid food for at least six weeks! Ack!

So, those basics covered, let's move into the visual aids...

Some Before Photos...

Taken at age 19

Taken at age 21, about a year before braces...

Taken at age 24 - September 2010

October & November 2012 - JUST before the 1st attempt at surgery.... Age 25/26

And thus, we begin...
Wish me good luck!
