Sunday 17 February 2013

Week Three: Jan. 30th - Feb. 5th, 2013

This week's secret word? DEPRESSION!!!!

I know it may seem ridiculous.  I mean, after all - I lived through the surgery, which is fantastic.  I am making great strides in recovery - huge relief... But something just kept pulling at me during week three.  Like I was being dragged into the mud.  I thought about things that could be in the future.  Positive things, things I love to do.  People I want to see.  But it all just seemed so far away.  It's almost as though the tape player in my head was stuck on the negative side and all I could see was the negative side.  I don't recall every crying so much in my life as I did that week.  Very unsettling.  I was quite concerned about how dark things were becoming, so I did what I always do when I am having a terrified hypochondriac moment - I turned to the internet! I researched a little and found that post-op depression is an extremely common symptom of anesthesia. In a way this was a relief, but also frightening when I read of a 21-year old boy who committed suicide 3 weeks post surgery after never suffering from depression before.  YIKES! So with a history of mental health behind me, I immediately booked an appointment with my awesome counselor and did A LOT of sleeping.  I feared I would never come back out of it, but then something happened...
This is a bit of a delicate matter and did not directly affect me necessarily, however it certainly provided a gigantic boot in the ass for yours truly which sent my depression packing!!!
A dear friend lost her house in a fire which also claimed the life of her mother & her two dogs.  This friend is also battling cancer.  Needless to say, I was rocked... I sent her some words of love & support, but it never really feels enough! All I can do is send my love... I cannot bring back all she has lost.  It made me realize... Live, love & laugh as often as you can.  Take NOTHING for granted.  I lived through this surgery! I have my mom, dad, Remington, friends... Family... And I LOVE THEM ALL! And am learning to love myself too.  And to pursue the life I want now, while I can.

As for my recovery... Things are going well at the close of week three... Going to more shows, seeing more and more people outside my immediate family.  Eating more & more complex things. Somehow I only managed one picture from week three...! *lol*  ENJOY IT!!!! ^_^
I LOVE how unpuffy I look here! I think it's cause I was lying flat on the bed...

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